Friday, August 31, 2012

Medical Devices

Focusing on applied research and the development of new medical devices or instrumentation, this new journal presents papers on devices that improve diagnostic interventional and therapeutic treatments. It provides special coverage of novel devices that allow new surgical strategies, new methods of drug delivery, or possible reductions in the complexity, cost, or adverse results of health care. The Design Innovation category features papers focusing on novel devices, including some with limited clinical or engineering results. The Medical Device News section provides coverage of advances, trends, and events.
New medical sensors/actuators, Orthopedic devices, Cardiovascular devices, Rehabilitation devices, Neurological devices, Bioheat transfer devices, Medical instrumentation, Image guided intervention/treatment, Endoscopic/laparoscopic devices, Minimally invasive devices, Human performance/force assessment, Tissue engineered devices, Drug/cell deliver systems, Medical robotics, Medical device design processes, Medical device manufacturing, and Human factors in medical devices.

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